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Good Practice

* Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)
We apply QA and QC systems to ensure that all medicines manufactured in north west hospital licensed manufacturing facilities are safe, efficacious, and of a quality appropriate to their use.
* Good Preparation Practice (GPP)
We provide pharmaceutical GPP support to Trusts to enable them to ensure that all medicines prepared in unlicensed pharmacy facilities are safe, efficacious, and of a quality appropriate to their use.
* Good Clinical Practice (GCP)
We provide services (including support, assistance, and guidance) to Trust Pharmacy Departments to help them ensure that good practice standards are in place in all aspects of clinical pharmacy services, including compliance with clinical trials regulations and standards for investigational medicinal products.
* Education and Training
We provide structured education and training courses in meeting the needs of north west pharmacy services
* Audit
We perform EL(97)52 and other quality audits of pharmacy technical services.
* We develop, issue, implement, and monitor standards and guidance relating to quality aspects of hospital pharmacy services and the management of services.